Insinuations Art to Wear Jewellery Collection - OMC Gallery

OMC Gallery

OMC Gallery featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.



Insinuations is born from encountering the depths of intimacy. The sensuality of shapes arouses curiosity, provokes and invites viewers to perceive them. Insinuations is an Art to Wear statement that finds the balance between a design with artistic and conceptual value and, at the same time, functional and usable. Each piece is carefully designed in order to achieve the perfect morphology that slides and spills sensually on the body provoking a unique individual experience.

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Amazing design. Good design. Best design.

Good designs create value for society. Everyday we feature a special design project that demonstrates excellence in design. Today, we are pleased to showcase an award-winning design that makes a positive difference. We will be featuring more great and inspiring designs daily. Make sure to visit us everyday to enjoy new good design products and projects from greatest designers worldwide.

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