Supplement of Original Art - OMC Gallery

OMC Gallery

OMC Gallery featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.


Supplement of Original

White veins in river stones lead to random patterns on the surfaces. The selection of certain river stones and their arrangement transforms these patterns into symbols, in form of Latin letters. This is how words and sentences are created when stones are in the right position next to each other. Language and communication arise and their signs become a supplement to what is already there.

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Legendary designers and their award-winning works.

Design Legends are extremely famous designers who make our World a better place with their good designs. Discover legendary designers and their innovative product designs, original art works, creative architecture, outstanding fashion designs and design strategies. Enjoy and explore original design works of award-winning designers, artists, architects, innovators and brands worldwide. Get inspired by creative designs.

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