Woman in Power Costume Design - OMC Gallery

OMC Gallery

OMC Gallery featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.


Woman in Power

Woman in Power is a design that pays homage to the strength and ability of women. From being survivors of breast cancer and abuse, women have endured and continue to show their strength and resilience. The Woman in Power Costume Design was an expressive way to show the vibrancy, willingness, and power of women. When women see the design, the designer hopes it reminds them that they are strong, they are powerful and they too must take up space in this world.

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Good designs create value for society. Everyday we feature a special design project that demonstrates excellence in design. Today, we are pleased to showcase an award-winning design that makes a positive difference. We will be featuring more great and inspiring designs daily. Make sure to visit us everyday to enjoy new good design products and projects from greatest designers worldwide.

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